Thursday, January 31, 2008

Officially Humbled

Well, I can finally sit down to write, since my head has stopped spinning (at least temporarily). I actually need to write, and get my Mexico City story out, so I can move on. Anyone who is reading this will have to pardon the long post, because I´ve got some stuff to say.
Wow. I just got to Guanajuato this afternoon, and my body is finally starting to relax a little bit.
I got to Mexico City on early Tuesday evening, and immediately upon landing realized the arrogance/stupidity of coming to this city with no plan whatsoever. I read a bit on the plane of where I might want to go, and in horrible Spanish asked my cab driver to take me to the Colonia Condesa. He gave me a strange look and began to ask me questions, which I of course did not understand. This is when I began to understand I possibly should have prepared just a bit more. I don´t know quite how it happened, but somehow I ended up, at his suggestion, at this kind of creepy hotel in some random part of town. After dropping my bag and taking a deep breath, I decided to go for a little walk. Again the choice to not prepare began to be questioned in my mind, as I wandered around a neighborhood fully of ONLY men, no women, who all stared and muttered at me. Needless to say I headed back to the hotel quickly, and, exhausted, fell into a crazy sleep where I dreamt about being lost and having everything stolen from me. I got up and decided I had to leave creepy creepy land, and so I packed my bag and tried to decide where to go.
I looked through my little book and ended up at this hostel over in the Historic Central District, right off the zocalo. It was much nicer over in this area of town, and I met a couple of people who were traveling. I had read about some of the big sights of Mexico City, like the Anthropology museum and the cathedrals, and the Frida Kahlo museum, all of which sounded interesting. But while I was there, I was just paralyzed. I´m sure some of you may have thought about this, but if not: imagine being in a city three times the size of New York, and then not knowing the language. Every time I tried to do something, it was beyond hard. I tried to find a bookstore, figuring it would probably be wise to pick up a Spanish dictionary. I wandered around trying in vain to follow directions for a solid two hours, and still wasn´t successful. It was beyond frustrating, and, as mentioned in the title, incredibly humbling. The thing about it is that I had heard all about how dangerous Mexico City was, and I couldn´t leave that information behind. It didn´t seem that dangerous, yet it definitely didn´t seem safe either. I couldn´t tell what the hell was going on, because I didn´t know what anyone was talking get the idea.
I knew I needed to figure out where to go, but my mind couldn´t even think and my body was so tense and nervous. I kept being constantly worried about being taken advantage of in some way, and the men were so pushy, I walked around with my eyes down...this is obviously not my usual state of being, and it felt really wrong. It just wasn´t working in Mexico City for me.
This morning, just knowing I needed to leave, I got on a bus for Guanajuato. It was only after getting away that I really realized how hard that experience was. But it was just that, an experience, and a good one to have at the beginning of this trip. I knew it wasn´t for me there, yet I was stuck in somehow proving I could do it. Whateva. Enough of that. This trip is about doing what feels right, not being stuck in what I should do. I´ll get my Mexican history a different way.

On a million times brighter note, this city is beautifully picturesque and lovely. Tonight I wandered the (safe) streets, which were jam packed with people having a great time. The zocalo is goregeous and pristine, and when I got there, there was a 12 piece horn band playing in the little gazebo, in matching jackets. Tonight a whole different band started in front of the theater, and then wound all throughout the town. It´s an old colonial town with streets that are crazy and twisty and immediately get you lost. There was probably 200 people, and we´d wander up a street, and then through an alleyway so narrow that all of us had to go single file. It would open up into a big courtyard, and everyone would spread out and dance. I danced with a whole bunch of little kids, who were so cute. At the end we stopped at this little plaza with stone steps and everyone sat down for one final song. This group of about 15 teenagers wandered by; kids who would normally be way too cool to be involved in some traditional singing. They all stopped and put their arms around each other and were singing along. Everyone was singing (except me-I just hummed). I thought it was so great to see all of these different people of all ages interacting and joining together in a way that would be really uncommon to see at home. Everyone was so friendly and was awesome.

Tomorrow I am going to make some (loose) plans, and then have some fun here. I think tomorrow I´m going to attempt to go out salsa dancing. We´ll see how that goes...

Lots of love and kisses,



jennifer lee said...

Kira, so great to hear from you! I may have some really great contacts where you are at right now. It is so funny, I got the strongest sense to call you today, hoping you would pick up, but just got your message about being out of the country. It is interesting that you sent out this blog on the same day. I'm really missing you right now! How long will you be there? Where are you going next? Let me know if you would like me to put you in contact with some local artist friends.

Love, Sincerely, damn it, I MISS YOU,
Jen Lee

Unknown said...

Kira, mideara, glad to hear you found someplace safe and fun...sounds like you ended up in a great place. Let the adventures begin! Glad your blog is up so I can "follow you around". I love you. So much. I'm excited to see you in May. (aka I miss you)

Love mom

DaddyB said...

Ahhh... Little DVF - rambling and humbled. Always good to know that you are experiencing things on many levels. Relax and enjoy the ride and alwyas truly feel safe wherever you are. Hope to see you on day this year. Thinking of you fondly.... Big Hugs from the Oregon Coast...

Unknown said...

Kira, you keep all these blogs and write yourself a book at the end of your adventure. I can't wait to see how this plays out. I'm really glad the 1st chapter had a happy ending. Enjoy!
(don't worry about your website, it's going to be great!)


Unknown said...

Wow Kira! Nice to hear from you dear! What a first post! Only a few days and it seems to be such an adventure. Are you in a washing maching or what?! You look right in the middle of a bloody nice dust storm, as we like them anyway ;)! Yesterday was beautiful and tomorrow you will shine more than whatever suns! Let things comming to you and enjoy!

Love, kisses & hug,


Christina said...

So glad you posted... I've been reading about bus crashes in Mexico City and working hard on staying grounded in reality and not flying off to parent catastrophe land.
I just kept saying this girl won't attract that kind of nonsense- this is KIRA MIDERA were talking about!!! (it helped)
How wise- (i knew you would be) of you to follow that lovely gut of yours. Dad will write later- Bernard is splendid- your Poppa rocks him to sleep every night. He really does!!!
Bernard loves the toys, our bed (which is now his)and the other dogs. We have a burgeoning dog park going here, I think the neighbors are going to start dropping their dogs by, having mistaken our house for a doggy daycare I'm sure.
Anyway- he's truly having loads of fun and we enjoy him immensely- he fit right in!
Write more soon- its wonderful to hear from you.
Love and hugs-

rachael said...

Yay! I have been waiting for this - so happy to hear from you, and to learn that you are in a better place. I imagine that while stumbling around Mexico City my voice was one of the warnings in your ear. It sounds like you have found a wonderful city. You paint such an enticing portrait. I agree with Val - this can become your very own Eat Pray Love! You have been gone less than a week and already it has given me time to muse on all of the reasons I love you, and how much you bring to my life. I am your devoted fan, waiting eagerly for your next installment. Adieu!

Ayesha said...

Kira,i was well chuffed to see you have let me in on your travel adventures, amazing to read your storys.The day that i read your first blog was a magical day for me here in rainy Portland, getting your blog, was like the icing on the cake!
I cant belive you left without that beer, especialy as i was willing to miss a Chelsea game for it!!!!
But you are well worth it and i would miss a game for you again, so i look forward to your return to hear all about your experiences.
Peace,Love ,Courage And Strength.
Love Ayesha

Hillary said...


Rachael told me about your blog -- what a wonderful way to let us all know how you're doing *and* track your thoughts so you can write the next Eat, Pray, Love.....remember, Elizabeth Gilbert struggled, too, but then found all the peace, happiness, and wonderful-ness that completed her trip and cycle. You will do the same I'm sure! Your courage is inspiring....

Buena suerte y espero que tu tienes (?) diversion!


missfitts said...

Listen lovely one: I can't wait to hear more about your adventures. What a fabulous gift to give yourself! I know your French will come back to you.

I look forward to reading about your travels and your bravery. (And the FOOD you EAT!)

Hugs and kisses,


Kathleen Doll said...

Seven years ago I landed in Mumbai, flew to Delhi, and a few hours later found myself on a second-class sleeper berth on a train to northern India. I couldn't speak the language, I was hot and tired, and I cried, and thought "I am in so in over my head." But later I realized the experience, like yours, is actually perfect. Starting in not-knowing and humility gives us room to experience life in all its technicolor richness. Everything is brighter - just like you've already discovered! I can't wait to read more about this amazing adventure. Be safe, and have a wonderful time.

morgan said...

My dearest Sister, I'm so glad you're safe and having fun. I was so worried about you the other morning. As Rachael said I was probably one of those voices in your ear. I don't know why (because you're loco to go to one of the biggest and craziest cities in the world w/o plans) I couldn't help thinking you weren't safe. So I laid in bed sending you my support, love, and presense..."Mindful of your surroundings you must be" Yoda.....Anyways I love you miss you tons and am glad you are safe and are having fun, dance with a pretty mexican chick for me.
Love Morgan and Trisha

Cheryl R. said...

Yikes Kira! You did great, kudos! Can't wait to read more. Cheryl ~